Hello fellow Escapers,


A short message about what I feel is so important, that it’s what drives me to do what I do every day.

In our society, it seems important to have things, and it’s very easy to get distracted from what’s really important… experiences. Experiences create memories, and when paired with the people you care about, can really bring value to your relationships. In the past few years, I have made a conscious effort to have experiences with the important people in my life.

Specifically, I have been hosting game nights for my friends as a way to put down the gadgets and talk, laugh, and socialize. I also set aside time, each week, to have dinner with my parents and siblings.

I started working in the escape room business because it allows me to do two great things; spend time with my wife and kids, and provide the community a fun experience to disconnect from their daily lives without distraction.

I am telling you to get out and do something, regularly, with the people you care about. A hike, kayaking, a trip to the zoo, a baseball game, or even an escape room. You won’t regret it!



5th Street Escape Room